Chris featured on HGTV's House Hunters - The Origin Story

So I dusted off a copy of Chris's House Hunters episode which premiered in 2011. Im not on the show but at that time we just started dating and I was still living in NYC.  I actually helped him pick out the sofa for the show during our first date. So this is sort of the origin story and as much as we love the place and living in SW D.C you can see how quickly we outgrew the space with 2 cats and a dog. Since moving in we've updated the kitchen, floors and added a custom closet to the unit over the last few years so the unit look quite different from how it appears on the show.



  1. I absolutely remember this episode. House Hunters is one of my favorite shows. I just love y'alls story!

    1. Thank you. The show is no longer in rotation by every once in a blue moon we'll catch it on TV and we'll get in a good laugh. Lots of great memories, it will be sad to leave but we're happy about the future.

  2. This is great! Like LeRon, I LOVE HH!

  3. I remember that episode! It's too bad they never went back and did a "Where Are They Now" update, the kitchen looks so great.

    1. Thanks, Whenever "where are they now" comes on, we always joke about doing the show. Its a lot of prep for a show, so who knows, maybe in the future.

  4. That is so cool! I drive by your complex each time we visit my mother-in-law and have always wondered how the condos look I know! :) I LOVE what you guys did to it and truly hope you'll be getting top dollar!

  5. Thanks, we hope so too. We're gonna start looking for a renter late June/July


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